Our Growing Practices

“Organic” is a loaded word these days, and the meaning of it has been diluted over time.  We like to call ourselves “beyond organic” because we both meet all organic standards, AND we also refuse to use many certified organic products that are known to be hazardous to health and environment.


”Organic” is a word currently regulated and controlled by the USDA. In order for any product to be labeled organic one must 1.) meet all organic guidelines outlined in USDA’s National Organic Program and then 2.) Utilize a certifying agency to ensure compliance.  The certifying agencies are private and are not funded by the government, which means they must charge a lot to cover their costs.  Just to be able to use the word “organic”,  Stone Soup  would need to pay the accrediting agency nearly $2,000 per year, an expense that we would be passed on to our customers.  To keep costs down we simply rely on the trust with our customers and CSA members, and have an open door policy – anyone is welcome to come here and see if they approve of our methods!  Our farm is very transparent and open to all.